Tuesday, 6 March 2012

My mobile phone has a name

lol it's name is Caroline Cecot Pilarski. If you want to find out what your phones name is go on facebook , you will need the last three digits from your number


Write this on FB @[987:0] 

But use the last three digits from your phone number instead of 987


Sunday, 4 March 2012


I bet you wish you could do this to a certain somebody without gettin' in trouble...

Whyy is it always Sunday??

uhhh , man school is tommorow and now it's 20:34 and i only have 26 minutes left until I have to go and sleep... BOOH SCHOOL Y U NO NICE??
No one knows I have a blog, made this blog to make fun of people and my weird life and it's also kind of a diary... I like to write random things in this blog and I hope I will have it for a while... but I am thinking of making another blog and this time it will not have a weird name LAMU THE LLAMA
It will have something to do with Linda Eriksson which is moi <3
Yes... Randomness is my thang

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Technical Difficulties :/ + awesome megan

Apparently They shut off internet ALL over Kenya. they must have turned it back on cuz its verkiinn now baby. Just skyped Megan! Miss her soo much! I miss canada soo much! I wish I could jjust move there and live with her :(

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Heeeey Yaaaah :) + erika ;D

Hey people , what izz up? It's 7:25 am and i will have to log out in 7:40. BUT ANYWAYS lololololol. Shout out to Erika Carlmarine for being soo awesome and cool and one of my bestest friends . Miss her lots , am soo bored without her :( 
I love and miss you dear :D

Stupid Poses Girls and boys do LOL

Stupid Poses Girls do...

Stupid Poses Boys Do


School is wack :/

Just came home from school . We did the court thing in Citizenship today and I was a prosecution lawyer . Skye and Oguz were the defence lawyers but Skye was sick today and Oguz had to do it by himself and he made no sense at all ( not even the teacher understood him) The juries were confused and said that the Oguz wasn't clear so that basically meant that WE WON! WOOHOO.. JK i don't really care... Anyways the case was about Jackie Jones driving her car and accidentely hit Hilary Green which broke both her legs. Enough about this stupid case. We have a fraking music test on friday , and NO ONE likes the music teacher ( she gave me such a bad grade in mu report card it was a D) I honestly don't care if I fail this test , Music is not important for my education BTW we are doing stupid music worksheets instead of actually playing instruments. But I got a lollipop today from the citizenship teacher, shes nice and also very pretty , she looks 20 years old and she is from Holland. Anyways... today wasn't that bad.